Friday, April 2, 2010

"For whom the bell tolls..."

'No Man is an Island'
by John Donne

No man is an island entire of itself...
Any man's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in mankind.

And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

"Construction of the Esteban del Rey Mission and Convento began in 1629 and continued through completion in 1640. The 2100 square foot adobe mission complex represents an extraordinary arduous construction process undertaken by the Acoma ancestors. Sole access to the mesa top was only by foot-hole paths until 1959. While the construction was overseen by resident Franciscan Friar Juan Ramirez it was the Acoma people themselves who followed and implemented traditional building methods to ensure that the creation would withstand time and erosion caused by the natural elements." (Credit: Sky City Cultural Center Brochure)

"Acoma's Sky City looms 370 feet above the desert floor. For almost 2,000 years, Sky City has served as the physical and spiritual homeland for the Acoma people. The history of the Acoma  people and the Pueblo dates back as early as 1100 A.D." (Credit: Sky City Cultural Center)


  1. I would love to visit the region and learn from the Acoma culture. I'm always fascinated by old adobe constructions.

  2. Looks like you're having fun! So much to explore. Have a good weekend!

  3. Kate, the bell photo is so beautiful and thank you for bringing John Donne's beautiful poem. You led me back to my college poetry text and more Donne, especially and appropriately, Good Friday, 1613.

    Isn't Acoma pottery also very well known?

  4. Kate, the bell photo is so beautiful and thank you for bringing John Donne's beautiful poem. You led me back to my college poetry text and more Donne, especially and appropriately, Good Friday, 1613.

    Isn't Acoma pottery also very well known?

  5. Wonderful post and photos! I love this stuff.

    Happy Easter!

  6. There is so much to see and do there. The top picture is outstanding with all the textures.

  7. I just can not decide what I like more in your post. Verse, history info or photos. Every thing.

  8. Beautiful. Happy Easter to you!

  9. Lucky you, I have alwasy wanted to see this. Looking forward to more of your photos.

  10. Lucky you, I have alwasy wanted to see this. Looking forward to more of your photos.


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