Friday, April 4, 2014

A free spirit

A small free spirit
Wonder what her future holds?
Enjoy freedom now!

Since 1996 April has been designated as National Poetry Month.  Get involved: put a poem in your pocket!!

April 4, 2014, St. Paul, MN.  Does anyone wonder why we spend winter months in Santa Fe?
But, April?!  This is ridiculous!!


  1. A lovely statue, so full of life!

  2. What does her future hold? Probably lots of responsibility that supposes the youthful exuberance of the posture captured in the statue.

  3. Instead of: Whatever will be will be....I always liked: What ever will up to me.

  4. The statue is vibrant! I love it. It represents possibilities, and is in direct contradiction to what many of our politicos would wish women to be today!

    Don't love the snow. Go away snow!

  5. A fine sculpture. The young lady seems to reaching for the heavens proclaiming her spirit of freedom and it's future!

  6. Gorgeous statue, wonderful mood to it.
    Four more inches of snow? I'd be packing the car for a return trip to Santa Fe if I were you...Enough is enough, really!

  7. What a lovely sculpture. I used to live in Flagstaff, AZ, which is the same elevation as Santa Fe, and one of the worst blizzards we had in the seven years I lived there was on April 1!

  8. oh my!! It isn't unusual for us to get snow in April but not quite that much. This year we had mostly bitter cold. I'm glad it is over.

  9. Ah, yes, I see the similarity to the girl in my sunset photo. (Mine was also young . . . she had made that gesture for an iPhone photo her mother was making, and when she finished I gave her some hand signals asking her to do the same thing further to her right . . . nice kid obliged.)

  10. The statue is wonderful Kate, so carefree. As for the snow, well I'm sure it's beyond a joke now, enough is enough oui :)
    p.s. my first grandchild is now officially one week late, I just hope she arrives before we get there on Thursday :)


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