Monday, September 19, 2011

Turquoise and Silver

Turquoise and silver are well-coordnated with the prevailing colors of the Southwest culture. The woman sporting these unique nails works in a salon in Cincinnati and planned her pedicure carefully for her holiday in Santa Fe. She told me that the decoration would cost $45.00 with an additional $35 for the pedicure itself.  She's lucky she works in a salon!


  1. Glad you limited yourself to the feet - the rest must be a disaster area...

  2. belle peinture, cela doit prendre du temps le matin

  3. These are definitely decorated for Santa Fe. I don't know about such things, but the ring on that toe does not look like it would be comfortable.

  4. Haha funky toenails, very cool Kate, I wouldn't do it, but can appreciate the effort she's gone to.

  5. what people go through to be beautiful, toes included!

  6. Kate, it takes all kinds of people . . .

  7. Looks like it took some time to do this pedicure. She must be very patient and keen to put her best foot forward in Santa Fe Kate.

  8. Oh, my -- $80, and don't forget a tip. I think I'd pass on this particular fashion perk.

  9. Feet always seem a bit ugly to me. Hideous, if you will. These I can look at... briefly.
    btw YES! Take a cruise. We like the BIG ships. GREAT fun everyday... every night. Be careful, once you cruise it's in your blood.

  10. To each his own. Interesting shots.

  11. What in indulgence! I think I'd rather indulge in several bags of clay, but hey, that's just me.

  12. And the question remains: Is it worth it?

    Terrific photos! I'd say you nailed it!


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