Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Bridge of Sorts--The Santa Fe Trail


This is a boardwalk over a remnant of the Santa Fe Trail.  It's located at Pecos National Monument, one of my favorite spots just outside Santa Fe.  I always go there at least once to visit the ruins while visiting this wonderful area.

Much of the land that helped improve the park for visitors was donated by the late actress Greer Garson and her husband.

To see some more bridges, click here.


  1. It looks like a great place.
    Have a nice Sunday!

  2. I'd be going here too, if I was anywhere nearby. Boardwalks have their own special charm. And Santa Fe has long been a place I want to visit.

  3. I have never been there. We will have to visit the next time we are in Santa Fe. It will be a money saver, as every hour in the park will be less time in the galleries.

  4. Good old Greer Garson, it's so nice to hear about people being generous like that, loved her old movies too!

  5. Looks like a 'road not take' at least with a skateboard. hahaha

  6. I love going there too. It gives me a great sense of peace.


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