Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Camera? Old Camera?

Guest Photographer: DH decided to try his hand at photography.  He's not as enthusiastic as I, but he gave it a whirl using my old Canon. Maggi didn't seem to want to cooperate, but she posed with a little help from me.  Not bad for Jim's first photo, don't you think?  Do you like the hat?


  1. un beau portrait et beau chapeau ;o)

  2. Excellent picture! Who's the old lady?

  3. The hat makes you look like a Santa Fe native. Getting dogs to pose is sometimes a trick.

    Glad that you have found a helpful camera salesman. That is certainly very beneficial. When we bought Julie's first DSLR, the salesman said, "If you buy this camera, you also get me." We have taken him up on his availability and helpfulness multiple times, and have bought a second DSLR, several lenses, two tripods, and a variety of accessories from him.

  4. I think Jim has been watching over your shoulder and has been secretly learning from you. Or maybe he just has natural talent! Yes, I like the hat too.

  5. A very nice portrait, I like the hat!

  6. Great job on this photo DH! And, that hat is a classic! I love it.

  7. He did great! You look like a Santa Fe native!

  8. Pretty darn good, ma'am! Yew shore ar lookin' like a Santa Feian! Thet critter, tho, he's alookin' like he's afeared at thet new Canon DH is aholdin' in his hand. Shore hope nobody got hurt!

    Meybe y'all ought to mosey on down to thet thar camera store and get DH his own little Canon. Otherwise, he's prob'ly gonna be stealin' yours 'fore long!

  9. I think it's a excellent shot. And I love the hat. You look very chic!

  10. Very cool hat Kate! Great portrait, love Maggi's expression, would love to know what she's thinking!!

  11. Very sexy hat! Great look on the dog. I'm only here because she says so!

  12. Yes! Love the hat; suits you just fine. Maybe Maggi would have been happier if she'd had a doggie hat -- or maybe one of those fancy Santa Fe collars with the silver medallions. Oh, wait. That was me. I wanted one of those cool Santa Fe belts.

  13. Well don't we look like Georgia O'Keeffe in this shot. Maggi is adorable!

  14. Very well done, DH. Kate, I am jealous about the hat. Whenever I go to the West, my eyes get big looking at the cowboy hats, the fancy belts and the fancy boots. On occasion, I have been known to succumb to covetousness and actually buy them! But, when does a guy in Connecticut get to wear them?

  15. Love the dog, love the hat, love the portrait!

  16. Very stylish! It's nice to make a guest appearance in a photo once and awhile!

  17. Very cute pic, Kate!
    You look so southwest! Looks like your new year is off to a good start- welcome to NM!

  18. Love the hat, and the dog, and YOU!


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