Saturday, February 20, 2010


While driving to Los Alamos, I snapped these photos from the car window as we travelled down the highway.  I find the terrain in this part of the USA quite amazing.  It appeals to my heart and soul and always lifts my spirits.
“No one knows what causes an outer landscape to become an inner one.”
(Margaret Atwood Canadian Writer, b.1939)


  1. Having spend a number of years in Arizona and driving through this kind of country, I agree whole-heartedly!

    These are beautiful and uplifting photos!

  2. And the snow just adds to the beauty! Great 'on the fly' shots.

  3. mountains from afar are a lovely site

  4. Great quote and magnificent views!

  5. To be outdoors in New Mexico is to be mindful of our miraculous scenery. Those skies! Those mountains! Thank you for sharing photos of your part of the state.

  6. Kate--thanks for noticing the National Geographic shout-out for Randy and me! Got quite a few hits from that source.....

  7. Beautiful shots! And what a fitting quote! So glad I found your lovely blog! I've added you to my blogroll. :)

  8. Kate! I'm heading back to Minnie on Monday early, with a stop in Pueblo to visit my brother. I hope we can catch up with each other back in MN this spring or summer! I look forward to following your blog and seeing NM from your eyes. I visited the others, as well. Very Nice. What Fun!

  9. Kate what you said is so true. This landscape does speak to ones soul. I know it does mine every day. Beautiful shots.

  10. Great images, that's what I mean for rugged landscape.


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