Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Camera's Eye

Four hours at St. Vincent's Hospital was not totally unpleasant when greeted by objects of art such as this while waiting in radiology for some x-rays...part of the routine examination.  The personnel were all courteous, friendly, and professional, and I left feeling confident about their care. I went to the emergency room after several uncomfortable days with a ticker problem that was not extraordinarily worrisome but that created some anxious moments on my part. Nothing that I hadn't experienced before, but nonetheless scary when 1300 miles away from my regular physician.

The technicians were non-plussed and didn't bat an eye when I whipped out my camera and brought it along with me.  Told you that they were professional!


An Old Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and rains fall soft upon your fields
                                                           And until we meet again,

                                                                   May God hold you in the palm of His hand.


  1. original, et totalement culte ;o))

  2. I'd say he was under Xray just a little too long.

  3. Unless you wrote this "before" the problem it sounds like you are OK. I don't think you would write it after wards. But then, who am I? I like the gaudy skeleton.

  4. He made me laugh! I will remember him when I see an X-ray technician approaching.
    And thank for the Irish blessing. Éirinn go brách, and I'll raise a glass to your health and happiness!

  5. Hope all turned out to be OK. At least better than the guy in the picture, anyway!

  6. They don't like you taking photos in UK hospitals! - all the best

  7. Hoping all is going well - fine photos!

  8. Good to see there's a sense of humour in some medical departments. I hope you're feeling more comfortable now.

  9. A true photogapher, taking her camera everywhere she goes. I hope your feeling much better. I must agree that I am pretty much over the snow too. But I think it will continue into May like it did the year before last.

  10. My goodness Kate, I had no idea. Glad to know it wasn't serious but you are so right, worrying when away from home. A friend from the Uk, staying in Menton, got taken ill and was in the Monaco hospital for about a week or more and I'm sure she felt as you did, especially not speaking the language. the Monaco hospital looks down on the graveyard which sounds somewhat like this sculptures!


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